Our thoughts determine our feelings (which affect our perceptions) and our beliefs (which drive our behavior). Over time, our behavior becomes habitual, and it defines our character. Ultimately our thoughts and beliefs determine who we become and drive us to our destiny. If you can learn to objectively control your thoughts, you can become whatever you desire.
Dr Tony Zeiss: Build Your Own LadderMonday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
One ultimate freedom as human beings is the freedom of thought. Those who learn to control their thoughts are those who are most successful in their careers and in life.
Good thinking is a learned skill. It doesn't happen automatically.
However, you can learn to think well by understanding the relationships among your thoughts, feelings, and desires. Once you learn to separate rational thoughts from ego-centered thoughts, you are well on your way to becoming a good thinker.
Dr Tony Zeiss: Build Your Own Ladder

Saturday, August 28, 2010
Koala Country
Dr Tony Zeiss: Build Your Own Ladder

Thinking for Good or Bad
For every action there is a reaction.
For every choice there is a consequence.
For every choice there is a consequence.
Be careful about your thinking, because it yields reactions and consequences.
Our thoughts manifest themselves in action, whether we want them or not.
The world without is a reflection of the world within.
Experiences and conditions are effects, and thoughts are the causes.
Our thoughts manifest themselves in action, whether we want them or not.
The world without is a reflection of the world within.
Experiences and conditions are effects, and thoughts are the causes.
If you honestly believe you can achieve something, you will be able to achieve it. If, deep down, you believe you aren't capable of achieving it, you will fail. The more you can eliminate these self-defeating beliefs, the more successful you will become.
Dr Tony Zeiss: Build Your Own Ladder
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Learning to Learn
Learning is simply experiencing something, reflecting on it, associating it with similar things previously learned, and putting what you have learned into practice. We categorize learning into three domains:
Some things we learn are simply knowledge (cognitive), like understanding how to multiply numbers.
Other things we learn are physically based (psychomotor) skills primarily involving the use of our bodies, like casting a fishing line.
We also learn to experience emotion or feelings (we're affected) under certain conditions, like jealousy.
Of course, all three domains are usually influencing one another as we perform some functions.
As you approach a subject, it is useful to first learn the knowledge needed to think a certain way or to peform some action;
next, practice the desired thinking or action;
and then assess how you feel about it.
If you gain pleasure for the experience, you will be motivated to learn even more.
Some things we learn are simply knowledge (cognitive), like understanding how to multiply numbers.
Other things we learn are physically based (psychomotor) skills primarily involving the use of our bodies, like casting a fishing line.
We also learn to experience emotion or feelings (we're affected) under certain conditions, like jealousy.
Of course, all three domains are usually influencing one another as we perform some functions.
As you approach a subject, it is useful to first learn the knowledge needed to think a certain way or to peform some action;
next, practice the desired thinking or action;
and then assess how you feel about it.
If you gain pleasure for the experience, you will be motivated to learn even more.
Dr Tony Zeiss: Build Your Own Ladder
Postcard and magnet from SJB
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Words Have Meaning
Captured this lifeguard house at Surfers Paradise in Gold Coast.
Words, like thoughts, manifest themselves into action. Words are reciprocal in nature. What you say comes back to you.
Keep your words positive, especially when speaking about your life and your career!
Dr Tony Zeiss: Build Your Own Ladder

Fitline Creates Champions

Nutritional Supplementation
Solid base for more fitness, well-being and beauty.
Scientific studies have revealed that even foods considered healthy, such as fruits and vegetables, do not offer the mineral and vitamin content they used to have 15 years ago. This means, maintaining fitness and power increasingly calls for targeted nutritional supplementation.
The FitLine product range is distinguished by a unique Nutrient Transport Concept (NTC) for more cell energy, which supplies the body with exactly the right vital elements that contribute to our well-being and good looks. Nutrient deficiencies are avoided and the immune system is lastingly supported.
Heart and circulatory functions are strengthened, while the aging process is slowed down considerably. There are even immediately noticeable effects, such as an increase of physical strength, concentration and sexual activity, accompanied by visible signs, such as better skin, hair and nails. This turns FitLine into an essential base of a successful anti-aging strategy. And as such into a solid base for a successful business that offers convincing arguments and noticeable benefits.

The FitLine product range is distinguished by a unique Nutrient Transport Concept (NTC) for more cell energy, which supplies the body with exactly the right vital elements that contribute to our well-being and good looks. Nutrient deficiencies are avoided and the immune system is lastingly supported.
Heart and circulatory functions are strengthened, while the aging process is slowed down considerably. There are even immediately noticeable effects, such as an increase of physical strength, concentration and sexual activity, accompanied by visible signs, such as better skin, hair and nails. This turns FitLine into an essential base of a successful anti-aging strategy. And as such into a solid base for a successful business that offers convincing arguments and noticeable benefits.

Cuddling & Say 'I Love You'
Cuddling is a warm and affectionate way of giving and receiving love.
If you do not have another person to cuddle, try cuddling a teddy bear.
Because love implies sex in our society, we cannot often walk right up to another person and say, "I love you."
There are a lot of ways of saying "I love you" to another person.
One excellent way is to be tender and affectionate in what we say. The idea is that the positive comment comes from love , and the other person will know that we aren't attacking them.
When we're tender and affectionate in the way we talk to other human beings, whether they're strangers or closely related to us, we are offering them love.
We are known to others, perhaps more than anything else, by the words we speak. If the words are tactfully honest and filled with love, others will listen, will grow and will return our love in multiples of what we've given.
If you do not have another person to cuddle, try cuddling a teddy bear.
Because love implies sex in our society, we cannot often walk right up to another person and say, "I love you."
There are a lot of ways of saying "I love you" to another person.
One excellent way is to be tender and affectionate in what we say. The idea is that the positive comment comes from love , and the other person will know that we aren't attacking them.
When we're tender and affectionate in the way we talk to other human beings, whether they're strangers or closely related to us, we are offering them love.
We are known to others, perhaps more than anything else, by the words we speak. If the words are tactfully honest and filled with love, others will listen, will grow and will return our love in multiples of what we've given.
Life treats you as you treat life.
Having a very positive attitude when we speak with others can reap rewards that we may be totally unaware of at the time.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Love Notes
We always advocate sending love notes. It both surprises and thrills the recipient. It is an excellent way for us to send love to another.
Love notes allow our love to flow even when we are not present.
Send them any and every time you can.
Some love notes can be vitally important. These are the ones sent to people who are deprived of love--teachers who served us well, those who are incarcerated or away with the armed forces or, even more dramatically today, older parents or grandparents, left alone trying to care for themselves in the twilight of their years.
We always ask people to write a love note to their parents, if they are fortunate enough to still have their parents with them.We just need to write from our hearts to theirs. They will know what we mean.
It does not take long to write the notes. What we are asking for is perhaps two or three minutes out of a twenty-four-hour day. It takes so little for us to give this note of love, yet it will be so appreciated.
J. Canfield & M.V. Hansen: Dare to Win
Love notes allow our love to flow even when we are not present.
Send them any and every time you can.
Some love notes can be vitally important. These are the ones sent to people who are deprived of love--teachers who served us well, those who are incarcerated or away with the armed forces or, even more dramatically today, older parents or grandparents, left alone trying to care for themselves in the twilight of their years.
We always ask people to write a love note to their parents, if they are fortunate enough to still have their parents with them.We just need to write from our hearts to theirs. They will know what we mean.
It does not take long to write the notes. What we are asking for is perhaps two or three minutes out of a twenty-four-hour day. It takes so little for us to give this note of love, yet it will be so appreciated.
J. Canfield & M.V. Hansen: Dare to Win
Have you written any love notes recently?
Friday, August 20, 2010
Loving Technique #1: Hugging
We advocate hugging. A hug is a perfect way of immediately giving and receiving love from another human being.
The problem with hugging, is that in our culture physical contact between people who barely know each other is considered taboo, particularly when it's between men. Even though a hug is a nonsexual statement, it's still considered off-limits by some people.
Hugging is something that we can all respond to, once we get past the taboo.
Mothers are great huggers. They can hug and love their children until it makes the kids feel absolutely wonderful.
Research has shown that hugging has positive effects on children's language development and IQ. It causes measurable changes in the hugger and huggee and has healing and therapeutic benefits.
Ask permission before you give a hug. Ninety-nine percent of people will say yes if you ask?
The problem with hugging, is that in our culture physical contact between people who barely know each other is considered taboo, particularly when it's between men. Even though a hug is a nonsexual statement, it's still considered off-limits by some people.
Hugging is something that we can all respond to, once we get past the taboo.
Mothers are great huggers. They can hug and love their children until it makes the kids feel absolutely wonderful.
Research has shown that hugging has positive effects on children's language development and IQ. It causes measurable changes in the hugger and huggee and has healing and therapeutic benefits.
Ask permission before you give a hug. Ninety-nine percent of people will say yes if you ask?
J. Canfield & M.V. Hansen: Dare to Win
Would you like a hug?
Thursday, August 19, 2010
You Can Do It With Love
The absence of love is one of the most frightening things that can happen to a human being. Withdraw love and you can crush an otherwise happy, healthy person.
The need for love doesn't diminish as we grow into adults.
Love tells us that we're worthwhile. It feeds our self-esteem and our self-confidence.
"Everyone has two choices. We're either full of love... or full of fear."
-Albert Einstein
J. Canfield & M.V. Hansen: Dare to Win
Are you full of love?
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
G.O.L.F. stands for Game of Life First.
Ken Blanchard: The Heart of a Leader
Like life, golf is a game where you get some good breaks and some bad breaks you don't deserve, and some good breaks and bad breaks you do deserve.
In golf you are reacting to your own performance. Sometimes you are playing better than you expect and dealing with success; sometimes you are playing worse than you expect and dealing with failure.
Golf brings out the best and worst in people. If you cheat or blow up when you have a bad break, that same behavior will show up in other parts of your life. If you maintain a a positive attitude when things go sour, that will carry over into others things also.
In golf you are reacting to your own performance. Sometimes you are playing better than you expect and dealing with success; sometimes you are playing worse than you expect and dealing with failure.
Golf brings out the best and worst in people. If you cheat or blow up when you have a bad break, that same behavior will show up in other parts of your life. If you maintain a a positive attitude when things go sour, that will carry over into others things also.
What better training ground is there for learning to accept the bitter with the sweet, than the golf course?
Ken Blanchard: The Heart of a Leader
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Where do value come from?
Value usually comes from more than one person. It comes when two people interact. Relationships create value.
Most of the successful people talked about what they learned from others that enabled them to refine their "offering." We have seen successful people reaching out for relationships that help them do more and do it better.
Relationships that are worth investing in make you the best version of you. In other words, if you build and add strong relationships, this version of you would have :New! Improved! More Robust Performance! written on it in red, white, and blue letters. That's why we spent so much time on the importance of choosing the right people.
Most of the successful people talked about what they learned from others that enabled them to refine their "offering." We have seen successful people reaching out for relationships that help them do more and do it better.
Relationships that are worth investing in make you the best version of you. In other words, if you build and add strong relationships, this version of you would have :New! Improved! More Robust Performance! written on it in red, white, and blue letters. That's why we spent so much time on the importance of choosing the right people.
L. Ronna: It's not business it's personal: p180
Monday, August 16, 2010
Never! Never! Never! Never! Give Up!
In his later years, Winston Churchill gave a speech at the English prep school he attended as a boy. The headmaster told the boys, "This is an historic moment. Winston Churchill is the greatest speaker of the English Language."
When Churchill walked out to give his speech, he peered over the top of his glasses and said: "Never! Never! Never! Never! Give Up!"
The headmaster felt this might have been one of Churchill's greatest speeches. If one quality epitomized Winston Churchill, it was persistence. He never gave up.
Ken Blanchard: The heart of a leader
Do you give up easily?
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Love is being able to say you're sorry
Saying "I'm sorry" is tough on the ego. Leaders are often reluctant to admit they are wrong and ask forgiveness.
There are two statements that people don't use enough that could change the world: "thank you" and "I'm sorry"
If as a leader you can give up being right and learn to apologize for your mistakes, your organization will be a lot better place to work.
There are two statements that people don't use enough that could change the world: "thank you" and "I'm sorry"
If as a leader you can give up being right and learn to apologize for your mistakes, your organization will be a lot better place to work.
Ken Blanchard: The heart of a leader
Do you say sorry when you are wrong?
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Success is not forever and failure isn't fatal
Don Shula had a twenty-four hour rule. He allowed himself, his coaches, and his players a maximum of twenty-four hours after a football game to celebrate a victory or bemoan a defeat.
During that time, they were encouraged to experience the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat as deeply as possible. Once the twenty-four hour deadline had passed, they put it behind them and focused their energies on preparing for the next opponent.
Ken Blanchard: The heart of a leader
During that time, they were encouraged to experience the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat as deeply as possible. Once the twenty-four hour deadline had passed, they put it behind them and focused their energies on preparing for the next opponent.
Ken Blanchard: The heart of a leader
Do you celebrate your success?
Don't Waste Time on the Wrong People
Don't Waste Time on the Wrong People:
Ken Langone, President and CEO said:
Liz Smith says:
"People who are needy are just too hard."
Dealing with energy vampires is unproductive in the extreme.
Bernie Marcus said:
Marty Evans:
Ronna Lichtenberg: It's not business. It's personal
- People with bad relationship values
- Energy Vampires
- Users
"If someone calls up here and beats up on my secretary, I don't want anything to do with him."
Ken Langone, President and CEO said:
"I'm very attentive to how people treat people beneath them--it's a good indicator."
An energy vampire is a person who makes you tired every time they walk in the room: They just drain the life and the enthusiasm out of every situation.
Liz Smith says:
"People who are needy are just too hard."
Dealing with energy vampires is unproductive in the extreme.
Users are very good at pretending, especially to themselves. They know how to fake caring, and how to fake interest in you and your needs--and that's why you are drawn in.
Bernie Marcus said:
"You run across people who, when they see that they're dealing with somebody who has a little compassion and emotion about humans and humanistic traits, will try to take advantage of you."
Marty Evans:
"We can't be victims. We do have control. That means we have to make choices about how we spend our time and whom we spend time with."
Ronna Lichtenberg: It's not business. It's personal
Have you wasted time on the wrong people before?
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Welcome the Unexpected
"Most people do not see themselves as being creative, but we all are. One of the reasons we don't see ourselves that way is that we normally associate "creative" with being "original" But in reality, creativity has nothing to do with originality--it has everything to do with being unexpected. If you are willing to see yourself as creative, you can begin to cultivate it in everything you do."
Steve Chandler: 100 ways to motivate Yourself
Steve Chandler: 100 ways to motivate Yourself
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Laugh for no reason
American philosopher, William James, put it very clearly:
"We do not sing because we are happy, we are happy because we sing."
If you want to be happy, find the happiest song you know and sing it. It works. Not always in the first few moments, but if you keep singing, it works.
Laughter itself can also makes you laugh.
"What is the one thing that makes you feel like singing?"
"What gets you in the mood to dance?"
The next time you ask someone to dance, and he/she says, "I don't feel like dancing," you may reply, "That's because you are not dancing!"
C. Steve; 100 ways to motivate yourself
"We do not sing because we are happy, we are happy because we sing."
If you want to be happy, find the happiest song you know and sing it. It works. Not always in the first few moments, but if you keep singing, it works.
Laughter itself can also makes you laugh.
"What is the one thing that makes you feel like singing?"
"What gets you in the mood to dance?"
The next time you ask someone to dance, and he/she says, "I don't feel like dancing," you may reply, "That's because you are not dancing!"
C. Steve; 100 ways to motivate yourself
Monday, August 9, 2010
The personality of the solo type displays these qualities:
- The solo type is resourceful, self-contained. Prefers to make all decisions, likes privacy.
- Is highly creative, finds that creativity increases with freedom! Inventive,imaginative, artistic; a thinking. contemplative mind.
- Is independent, fiercely so. A risk-taker.
- Carefully chooses friendships; selects other independent types for associates and friends.
- Strongly resists any authority. the more freedom, the better.
- Enjoys working alone; personal thoughts, ideas, and time to ruminate are precious commodities to the solo type.
- Sees all relationships as individual, unique, one-on-one.
- Feels that the act of creation itself is the most important stimulant for further creativity. Takes praise for accomplishment with easy grace. Surprisingly, the truly talented solo is grateful, not arrogant.
- Picks an independent marriage partner -- another solo.
A Team Environment
The team type personality exhibits these attributes:
- Loves competition and rivalry as a motivator.
- Forms many friendships easily. Is gregarious and outgoing.
- Responds to a good leader. Comfortable with authority figures who are competent.
- Finds that creativity increases with abundant praise from teammates and leaders.
- Sees relationships as cooperative units within a larger structure.
- Is conscientious, loyal.
- Is sociable, likes to belong to clubs, groups, organizations.
- Likes to be alone about twenty percent of the time. Most of the time, likes companionship.
- Likes to share risks with team and leader.
- cooperative
- competitive
- stimulating environments
Are you a team player?
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Three Types of relationships
There are three types of relationships in any working environment:
- partnership
- team
- solo
- The partner loves and needs give-and-take feedback in conversation and decision-making process.
- Forms intimate, long-lasting friendships with a select few. Is equally balanced between liking to be alone and with one other.
- Finds that creativity increases in the confines of a trusted relationship.
- Is self-reliant.
- Is an excellent listener. Enjoys hearing the partner's ideas and concepts.
- Likes pooling resources: money, ideas, property, knowledge; feels more powerful with shared riches.
- Sees relationships as shared independence between equals. Is uncomfortable with authoritarian relationships.
- Thrives on encouragement from the partner.
- Likes to share risk-taking with the partner.
Would you be happiest in a partnership?
A. Nancy; Work with Passion
The Six Ghosts of Fear
There are six basic fears, according to Napoleon Hill:
It is the worst of fears and it has several symptoms:
2. Fear of criticism
It brings:
3. Fear of ill health
It causes:
4. Fear of loss of love
It is one of the most tragic fears. It brings:
5. Fear of Old Age
It involves:
6. Fear of Death
It causes :
A. Nancy; Work with Passion
- Fear of poverty.
- Fear of criticism.
- Fear of ill health.
- Fear of loss of love.
- Fear of old age.
- Fear of death.
It is the worst of fears and it has several symptoms:
- indifference
- worry
- indecision
- overcaution
- procrastination
2. Fear of criticism
It brings:
- self-consciousness
- lack of initiative
- lack of ambition
- an inferiority complex
3. Fear of ill health
It causes:
- hypochondris
- lack of exercise
- susceptibility
- self-coddling
- intemprance
4. Fear of loss of love
It is one of the most tragic fears. It brings:
- jealousy
- faultfinding
- possessiveness
- clinging
- gambling
Fearing loss of love comes from the belief that you can 'lose' love. Actually, once you have felt love, at any time, you get to keep that experience forever. You add the experience of one love to another, opening more doors to new love. You will know if you are free from this fear when you can love yourself at all times. Until then, you need outside verification.
5. Fear of Old Age
It involves:
- denial of age
- apologies for one's age
- thinking of oneself as slipping or declining in some way
- initiative
- imagination
- self-reliance
6. Fear of Death
It causes :
- preoccupaton with the idea of death
- fostering lack of purpose and concentration on what you cannot control
A. Nancy; Work with Passion
What do you fear most?
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Your Mind and Heart Create Your Experience of Life
When you know exactly what you want and have the emotional strength to go after it, your mind and heart work together as you give your plan enough time to come into being.
The combination of mind and emotions is powerful; it creates your experience of life, good and bad.
The majority of our relationships with other people concentrate on thinking, cause and effect.
The function of the left side of the brain is to put the events we observe in order.
Rationality brought us the scientific and industrial revolutions. However, this emphasis on our rational abilities was often at the expense of our imaginative, feeling and creative abilities.
A. Nancy; Work with Passion
The combination of mind and emotions is powerful; it creates your experience of life, good and bad.
The majority of our relationships with other people concentrate on thinking, cause and effect.
The function of the left side of the brain is to put the events we observe in order.
Rationality brought us the scientific and industrial revolutions. However, this emphasis on our rational abilities was often at the expense of our imaginative, feeling and creative abilities.
A. Nancy; Work with Passion
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